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Does my child need counseling?

A common question from parents who call me is "does my child need counseling?". This is an "it depends" answer. Some tips that can help to guide your decision are: Yes, my child needs counseling if: Their symptoms have not…

Why is my child so bossy?

  As a therapist, I get asked a lot for parenting advice and strategies. One of the questions I'm asked sometimes is "why is my child so bossy?".  Being bossy is developmentally appropriate for younger children While assertiveness is a…

Why I Became a Play Therapist

Clients and others in my life often ask why I became a play therapist and what I like so much about what I do. Like most people, I have a story behind how and why I got here. I started…

How to Pay for Therapy When You Don’t Have Insurance

Make Your Mental Health a Priority Deciding to seek mental health counseling is one of the most self loving acts you can make. Fortunately, even if you don't have insurance, you CAN afford therapy. Self-love doesn’t always look like face…

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